Davies first “Sustainability CPD” for referring vets

Date: 02 May

Time: 7.00pm

Location: Davies Hertfordshire

Duration: 1.5 hours CPD

CPD for Vets

Time: Registration is from 7:00pm, with complimentary drinks and finger buffet and time for informal discussion. Talks start promptly at 7:30pm. The meeting will close at 9:00pm.

Location: Lecture Theatre, Davies Veterinary Specialists, Higham Gobion, SG5 3HR <Click here to see map>

Summary: Davies first ‘Sustainability CPD’ for referring vets whereby the Davies Green Group will share their experience and knowledge.

In August 2018, Davies was awarded Silver Level Investors in the Environment accreditation for our Environmental Management Scheme. Run by the Sustainability Leads at Davies, this evening aims to increase your carbon literacy, explore the challenges and barriers to improving sustainability in your daily practice and find some positive solutions to implement sustainability. The challenges which we have faced at Davies will be explored, along with the co-benefits of sustainability to our business, and useful resources to help your practice to be more environmentally friendly and resilient will be highlighted.

This event is sponsored by Sharpsmart UK

You must log in or register to make a booking.

Linnaeus Veterinary Limited trading as Davies Veterinary Specialists 01582 883950

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